学术报告 Presentations
- Shutao Zhao et al. PlumeBed: A multispectral satellite methane plume detector enabled by transfer learning of a multi-source hyperspectral dataset, 2024 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington DC, 2024.12. [pdf]
- Yuzhong Zhang et al. Recent global and Regional Methane Budgets Constrained by Atmospheric Observations, 2024 AERSS, Hong Kong, 2024.12. [pdf]
- Xinchun Xie, Yuzhong Zhang, et al. Extreme Haze Episodes in Northeast China Driven by Straw Burning Emissions, Sino-UK Joint International Conference on the Emissions of Biomass Burning Aerosols and their Atmospheric Effects, 2024.11. [pdf]
- Yuzhong Zhang et al. Quantify China’s methane emissions using atmospheric observations, 11th International GEOS-Chem (IGC11) Meeting, St. Louis, US. [pdf]
- Rui Wang et al. A gridded greenhouse gas emission inventory based on multi-source open data, AOGS 2024, Pyeongchang, Korea. [jpg]
- Ruosi Liang et al. Satellite-based Monitoring of Methane Emissions from China’s Rice Hub, 2024 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2024.4.18. [pdf]
- Xinlu Wang et al. Quantifying city-scale methane emissions based on ground-site, mobile, and satellite observations: an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE), 2024 EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 2024.4.18. [poster]
- Peixuan Zhang et al. Evaluation of the stratospheric contribution to the inter-annual variabilities of tropospheric CH4 growth rates, 2023 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2023.12.14.[ppt]
- Wei Chen et al. Explore the driver for reduced atmospheric oxidation and extreme methane growth in 2020, 2023 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2023.12.13.
- Wei Chen, Yuzhong Zhang et al. Latitudinal and Seasonal Distribution of Hydroxyl Radical Concentrations Constrained by Satellite Carbon Monoxide Observations, 2023 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2023.12.15.[pdf]
- Xinchun Xie et al. Effect of absorbing organic carbon on global oxidation, 2023 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2023.12.16.[pdf]
- 梁若思,利用卫星监测水稻生长阶段的甲烷排放,第三届中国温室气体监测研讨会,上海,2023.11.19.[pdf]
- 张羽中,卫星遥感测量甲烷排放——石油天然气领域的应用,油气领域企业甲烷排放数据报告能力建设,天津,2023.6.30.[pdf]
- 张羽中,温室气体甲烷和碳污协同控制初探,第五届大气臭氧污染防治研讨会,武汉,2023.5.31[pdf]
- Yuzhong Zhang, Quantification of China’s Methane Emissions Based on GOSAT and TROPOMI Satellite Observations,亚洲低碳技术和创新大会-中日韩青年论坛,珠海,2023.5.28.[pdf]
- Yuzhong Zhang. Observed changes in China’s methane emissions linked to policy drivers, EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austrlia, April 27, 2023. [pdf]
- 张羽中,基于卫星遥感监测全球及中国甲烷排放,首届全国环境地学大会,深圳,南方科技大学,2023.4.2.
- Yuzhong Zhang. Assessment of China’s methane emissions based on satellite and surface observations, Methane Emissions Technology Alliance Seminar at Stanford University, (online), Mar. 24, 2022. [Vedio]
- Yuzhong Zhang. Estimating global and China’s methane emissions and their trends with satellite and surface observations, Task Group Meeting on Asia-Oceania Group on Earth Observations TG3: Carbon and Greenhouse Gases, online, Sept.1, 2022. [pdf]
- 张羽中,监测温室气体甲烷排放:从全球到点源,IJCAI-China 2022,人工智能应对气候变化论坛,深圳(线上参加),2022.11.8.[pdf]
- Zhenqi Luo, Yuzhong Zhang, Ying Sun. Estimating ammonia (NH3) emissions based on IASI observations from 2008 to 2018, 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans (online)) Dec.17, 2021 [pdf]
- Yuzhong Zhang, …, Ruosi Liang, …, et al. Assessing China’s Methane Emissions with Surface and Satellite Observations, 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans (online)) Dec.15, 2021 [pdf]
- 张羽中, 温室气体甲烷:全球及中国排放分布和趋势,杭州市环境生态监测中心站,2021.11.5 [pdf]
- 张羽中, 卫星遥感测量甲烷排放:现状和进展,甲烷科学系列讲座第六期,美国环保协会(EDF)(线上),2021.9.15 [pdf][video]
- Yuzhong Zhang, Quantifying Area Methane Sources With Satellite Observations, Online Forum: Tracking methane from space – current capabilities and future plans, Climate & Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Working Group Meeting, Organized by UN Environment Programme, 2021.5.25 [pdf]
- Yuzhong Zhang, Attribution of the accelerating increase in atmospheric methaneduring 2010–2018 by inverse analysis of GOSAT observations, EGU 2021 General Assembly (online), 2021.4.30 [pdf]
- 张羽中,长三角地区甲烷排放:基于卫星和地面观测的分析,温室气体及碳中和监测评估中心(长三角研发中心) 成立仪式暨学术研讨会,绍兴,2021.4.27
- Yuzhong Zhang, Agriculture and Global Methane Emissions, Online Symposium: Sustainable Agriculture & Technology in the 21st century, Hosted by Sustainability, Agriculture and Technology Lab at Westlake University, 2021.3.25 [pdf]
- 张羽中,温室气体甲烷及其源汇估计,山西省气象局,2021.1.28
- 张羽中,从卫星和地面观测推断甲烷排放的长期趋势,共议甲烷-2021中国甲烷论坛:甲烷卫星监测分论坛,EDF(线上),2021.1.21 [pdf]
- Yuzhong Zhang, Quantifying methane emissions from the largest oil-producing basin in the United States from space, 2020 MARAMA Air Quality Monitoring Training Committee Virtual Workshop (online), Dec 9, 2020 [pdf]
- 张羽中,基于卫星观测的大气甲烷排放估算:从全球趋势到区域热点, 中国大气环境科学与技术大会(线上),2020.12.8 [pdf][video]
- 张羽中,基于卫星观测定量估计甲烷排放,大气环境遥感与协同分析青年学者论坛, 广东珠海, 2020.11.29 [pdf]
- 张羽中,新冠疫情期间中国东部氮氧化物排放变化,新冠肺炎疫情对空气质量影响学术研讨会,地质大学(武汉)(线上),2020.10.17 [pdf]
- 张羽中,Trace Compositions of the Atmosphere: from global climate change to regional air pollution, Westlake University Lunch Seminar, July 1, 2020 [pdf]